Startup ecosystem

Cutting-edge French and Romanian Startups

French Tech Bucharest facilitates connections and provides assistance to a multitude of innovative French and Romanian companies in their business growth. Leveraging its extensive network and expertise, French Tech Bucharest empowers its community to access a wealth of resources, creating new opportunities, advocating for their interests in both France and Romania, and driving accelerated growth.

We look forward to meet you. À bientôt!

Key Stakeholders in Fostering Innovation

French Tech Bucharest unites a significant array of strategic stakeholders, including incubators, investment funds, and multinational corporations, all dedicated to supplying startups with the essential material, technical, and financial resources to facilitate the internationalization of their activities.

Orange is a French multinational telecommunications corporation. It has 266 million customers worldwide and employs 89,000 people in France, and 59,000 elsewhere.

Societe Generale is one of the largest European financial banking groups. Based on a diversified universal banking model, the group combines financial soundness with a sustainable growth strategy.

Business France is an agency in charge of supporting French companies in their international development, providing information and assistance to foreign investors in France, and promoting the attractiveness of French economic actors and territories.